University of Minnesota
Program Analysis for Security

Static information flow, part 2

Stephen Chong, Jed Liu, Andrew C. Myers, Xin Qi, K. Vikram, Lantian Zheng, and Xin Zheng. “Secure web applications via automatic partitioning”. In Symposium on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP), pages 31–44, Stevenson, WA, USA, October 2007.

Stefan Muller and Stephen Chong. “Towards a practical secure concurrent language”. In Object Oriented Programming Systems Languages and Applications (OOPSLA), pages 57–74, Indianapolis, IN, USA, October 2012.

Question: The SX10 paper argues that their language works well for systems with coarse-grained concurrency, and gives some examples. To fill in the opposite side of that dichotomy, what kind of systems (presumably with fine-grained concurrency) would their approach not work so well for? Give an example of an application that relies heavily on concurrency or distributed computation, and for which we would want to enforce an information-flow security policy, but that would not work well as an SX10 application.

Updated 2/14: the initially posted version of the question was missing the word "not" in a critical place. Fixed along with minor wording improvements.