
  • GQA-REX database. A database with over 1M multi-modal explanations of decisions with reasoning processes and grounded keywords in images. Chen et al. CVPR [pdf] [bib]
  • AiR-D database. An reasoning-aware eye-tracking database under visual question answering. Chen et al. CVPR [pdf] [bib]
  • IQVA database. A large-scale attention database on 360° videos under question-answering. Jiang et al. CVPR [pdf] [bib]
  • SALICON database. Saliency in Context - a large-scale attention database on MS COCO images. Jiang et al. CVPR [pdf] [bib]
  • Video Story database. A dataset for generating text story/summarization for videos containing social events. Li et al. TMM [pdf] [bib]
  • EMOd database. A database with rich sentiment and semantic attributes. Fan et al. CVPR [pdf] [bib]
  • HII database. A dataset of images with four types of interactions: hand shake, high five, hug, kiss. Li et al. ACMMM [pdf] [bib]
  • PISC database. An image dataset consisting of 22,670 images of 9 types of social relationships. Li et al. ICCV [pdf] [bib]
  • OSIE database. Object and Semantic Images and Eye-tracking database - a database for object and semantic saliency (700 images, 5551 objects with fine contour and semantic attribute labeling). Xu et al. JoV [pdf] [bib]
  • EyeCrowd database. Eye Fixations in Crowd database - a database for saliency in crowd. Jiang et al. ECCV [pdf] [bib]
  • FiWI database. Fixations in Webpage Images database - a database for webpage saliency. Shen and Zhao ECCV [pdf] [bib]
  • EyeScene database. A database for fixations in various scene types (500 natural images, representing a variety of common outdoor environment from SUN2012 database).
  • ET-PASCAL-MSRC dababase. Eye Tracking in PASCAL VOC07 and MSRC-21 database - a database for joint attention, segmentation, and recognition. Jiang et al. BMVC [pdf]
