Proposal Related Information
  1. NSF Documents (GPG 2016 compliant, INFEWS audience)
  2. 1-page Vita with 2 paragraphs and 10 publications (Jan. 2011): pdf , MS Word
  3. Vita : NIH style 4 pages
  4. Older NSF Documents (not compliant with GPG 2016)
    1. C.V.
    2. Conflict of Interest: NSF Style :
      1. July 2013: xlsx ,
    3. Current Support : NSF Form (Feb. 2015) : pdf , MS Word ,
    4. Results from prior work :
      1. March 2014: Expedition focussed : 2 pages ( pdf , latex , bibtex ) and 0.5 page ( pdf , latex , bibtex ).
      2. January 2014: Across all grants pdf file (2 pages)
      3. January 2013: pdf file generated from this latex file and bibtex file
      4. Sept. 2010: pdf
    5. Other:
    6. Courses : textfile