Blender F1 Racing Challenge

The contest is now over.

I'm working on putting togeather everything to submit to b[a]rt for the voting. Hopefully it will be on the blender site in a couple of days.

Quick explanation

You have 2 months to create the best Racing game you can in blender. The title of the game is the Blender F1 Racing Challenge. Voters will be encouraged to vote taking into account, game play, graphics, topic, and originality.

Ultimately how you do will be up to the voters interpretation of the rules so try to cover all of the bases.


  • Deadline: August 15th GMT 0000
  • Where to submit entry's: Here...
  • Questions:
  • Voting will shortly follow the deadline and be by the blender community.
  • Who: Anyone. send me an email if you want to be listed as a team working on it.
  • Prizes: To be determined still. Also you'll be famous... :)
         I'll offer the option of one of the following(
    Blender 2.0 manual,
    tutorguide #01, tutorguide #02)
         If anyone else is interested in donating stuff let me know.