CSci 4511w: Material on Writing

Where to find help

Visit the Student writing support on campus to find out about the walk-in hours (in 9 Appleby Hall) and how to make an appointment to see a consultant (in 15 Nicholson Hall). You can also submit on line your writeups and get feedback on them. The service is free. Take advantage of it!

Writing resources

Avoiding Plagiarism

There is a very good web site that will help you understanding if you are plagiarizing others work in your report. Take a look at it. The page for students has some very clear definitions.

Typesetting your papers: information on LaTeX.

Typesetting your papers: basic LaTeX instructions.

To get started with Latex, create a file, let's call it myfile.tex, that countains the following:
\documentclass[11pt]{article}  % 11 points is a good size
\usepackage{fullpage}          % more lines and longer lines per page
\author{your name}
\maketitle                     % generates the title
.....  whatever you want to write.  To divide into sections use something like
To generate the output run
latex myfile
To preview the output use
xdvi myfile
Repeat this until you are satisfied. To generate the postscript file do
dvips -tletter myfile -o
Convert to pdf by doing
You can easily generate bibliographic citations, by creating a bibliography file (.bib), specifying in your document what style you want, for instance
and the name of your bibliography file
and running
bibtex myfile
After running bibtex, you need to run latex again twice (latex goes through your file once, so forward references cannot be filled in a single pass).
Copyright: © 2010 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota
Department of
Computer Science and Engineering. All rights reserved.
Comments to: Maria Gini
Changes and corrections are in red.