Grading Rubric for Term Paper

Your paper will be graded according to the following criteria:
5%Thesis statement. You have a clear statement of the thesis you are presenting.
5%Explanation of thesis statement. You explain what the thesis is about and why it is important.
5%Support for thesis statement. You provide evidence or support for your thesis.
5%Conclusions. You summarize the major ideas of your paper in the conclusions.
10%The paper provides data to support the thesis. This includes use of evidence from scientific literature and/or from current sources on the web.
10%The paper has breadth of coverage. For instance, it includes multiple applications and contexts of use, it describes various issues and problems.
10%The paper has depth of coverage. For instance, it provides sufficient explanations on the technical aspects of the technology used, shows in depth reasoning on the potential and pitfalls of the technology.
10%The paper describes limitations of the technology/thesis/idea presented.
10%The material in the paper flows logically.
10%The presentation is structured (abstract, introduction, main body, conclusions, references), making it easy to navigate through it.
Mechanical aspects
5%The paper has proper use of grammar.
5%The paper has proper spelling.
5%The paper uses proper formatting.
5%The paper uses proper reference citations.
Copyright: © 2006 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota
Department of Computer Science and Engineering. All rights reserved.
Comments to: Maria Gini
Changes and corrections are in red.